Praxis Dr. Benner

Dear patients,

the current situation with Covid-19 is exceptional and brings new challenges every day.

We continue to deal with the important and urgent health concerns of our patients even in times of crisis. Through extended hygiene measures, we can carry on in being there for you and maintaining your dental health.
We look forward to your visit to our practice!

Your team at Praxis Dr. Benner

  • Prophylaxis
  • Snoring therapy
  • Endodontics
  • Periodontology
  • Implantology

my dentist.

Benner Pb
Dr. med. dent. Marcel Benner
My name is Dr. Marcel Benner and after a long search I found my professional future in Heather Bergfeld’s practice. In my work, I attach great importance to transparency and comprehensive informing for my patients. Our practice is based on innovative medicine with modern equipment and advanced treatment methods.
As part of a treatment in our practice, we assess your dental situation, get the best out of our therapy and accompany you on the way to having no further dental problems in the future.
I am looking forward to assist you with my knowledge on the subject “teeth” and getting to know you!



10/17 – 12/19: Head of the prophylaxis & periodontology
department in the dental clinic Zahnzentrum Köln
17: Periodontics curriculum
06/15 – 12/19: Employed dentist in the dental practice
Zahnzentrum Cologne

seit 15: Specialization in the fields of
prevention/prophylaxis, periodontology and digital dentistry

09/12 – 12/2014: Employed dentist in the dental practice

06/12: State examination in dentistry
10 – 11: Emergency service in the dental surgery
department of the central emergency room of the University of Cologne

10/09 – 09/15: Dissertation: Biodegradation pattern and tissue
integration of native and cross-linked porcine collagen soft tissue augmentation matrices – an experimental study in the rat

08 – 09: Assistant position in the dental department of
the JVA Ossendorf

10/06 – 06/12: Study of dentistry at the University of Cologne

  • Tanja Faßbender

    Tanja Faßbender

    Reception, Billing Management & Administration

  • Nicole Sanitz

    Nicole Sanitz

    Practice Management & Assistant

  • Maria-Luisa Mieves

    Maria-Luisa Mieves

    Billing Management

  • Christine Pennartz

    Christine Pennartz

    Prophylaxis, Whitening & Assistant

  • Manuela Büttgen

    Manuela Büttgen

    Prophylaxis, Assistant & Reception

  • Tschopi Mendekli

    Tschopi Mendekli

    Prophylaxis, Assistant & Whitening

  • Annabell Collin

    Annabell Collin

    Assistant & Prophylaxis

    Our services.

    • Who doesn’t know these issues?

      We are happy to help you with the everyday problems regarding dentistry such as holes in the teeth, bleeding gums, broken front teeth, sharp edges or hypersensitive teeth.

      Multitude of options

      We offer substance-conserving filling therapies made from high-end materials which replaced the old amalgams. State-of-the-art plastic fillings with ceramic particles (Composites) or milled inlays made in the clinic, offer you a large selection to guarantee a tailor-made treatment for you and your needs.

      The most gentle method

      We carry out micro-invasive caries or decalcification treatments with the ICON infiltration technique. With this infiltration method, early caries spots can be removed without drilling or damaging healthy tooth structure. And best of all: a pain-free treatment is guaranteed!

    • Attitude to life

      All over the world, the smile is an expression of positive courtesy and openness. It is our business card and one of the first impressions we reveal about ourselves.
      That’s why we take care that you can give the world a bright white smile with straight teeth.

      Braces for adults

      In addition to type-appropriate dentures such as crowns or veneers, we offer tooth corrections through invisible aligners for adult patients. These so-called aligners line up crooked teeth. This can either close gaps or remove interlacings.

      White teeth

      With various bleaching processes, we can either whiten the entire row of teeth or color-match individual teeth that are discolored by root canal treatments. Professional tooth cleaning is important in order to achieve an even result and to remove discoloration that has been deposited on the teeth due to food components.

    • The problem

      Dentist fear is a common phenomenon. But the unnecessary expectation of pain also keeps patients from “risking” a visit to the dentist.
      In addition, the completely unfounded shame of showing one’s teeth accompanies many patients.

      It doesn’t have to be that way

      Thanks to our empathetic nature, we take away these reservations from patients and, in very pronounced cases, can use sedatives specially developed for anxiety patients, so that the treatment is as relaxed as possible for you.

      Getting to know us

      The first appointment is always a relaxed meeting. We will talk about your concerns and – if this is okay – look into your mouth to get an overview. If this is too much the first time, it remains a conversation. We are completely based on you and your pace!

    • What is it about?

      The preservation of natural teeth is the focus of dentistry. Especially when the nerve has become inflamed, many resort to pliers.
      However, with the most modern treatment methods such as electrical length measurements, mechanical preparation systems and painless root canal treatments, we are able to preserve your own teeth.
      The use of electrical length measurements allows us to carry out root canal treatments even in pregnant women, since we can use this method without X-rays.

      The difficulty

      When filling root canals, the challenge is to completely free the canals from the blood and nerve, some of which are over 20 mm long – even if the canals have severe curvatures. The canals must then be disinfected to the lowest point at the root tip and filled to prevent reinfection. With our modern devices, you have the scientifically best prognosis to keep your tooth long-term!

      From old to new

      The revision, the drilling out of old root fillings, is also offered in our practice. This time-consuming treatment requires individual advice in order to classify and quantify the benefits and costs for you.

    • Why implants?

      Should a gap arise due to the necessary pulling of one or more teeth, the question arises how to close this gap. Dentures on implants come closest to the natural tooth.
      The implant, which acts as an artificial tooth root, not only firmly and securely anchors crowns or bridges, but also reduces the breakdown of the jawbone and offers the advantage that the neighboring teeth do not have to be touched.

      Modern technologies for your quality of life!

      The possibilities of modern, low-radiation imaging and diagnostic procedures in connection with optical scanners enable us to create high-precision three-dimensional models of your individual jaw situation. On the basis of these models, we mill a customized drilling template that guarantees that common complications are prevented and which makes implantology even safer for you.


      In particularly difficult cases – for example in the case of severe jaw bone loss or anatomical challenges such as the proximity of the implant to the mandibular nerve or the maxillary sinus – we cooperate with specialists to give you the best possible result for your long-term health.

      As with all other treatment options, we rely on cost transparency and the option of paying in installments. Talk to us!

    • Overview

      Even if the possibilities of dentures and implantology meet ever higher demands, nothing beats your own solid and healthy teeth.
      Periodontitis has become one of the greatest “tooth killers” worldwide due to the aging human race.
      This disease, which affects the tooth retention apparatus, is also known for its interaction with many general diseases such as rheumatism and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attacks.

      Understanding the origin

      Bacteria naturally occurring in the oral cavity, which settle and multiply in difficult-to-clean areas on the gums and between the teeth, lead to initial inflammatory reactions of the gums (gingivitis).
      If this stage is not recognized by the patient or dentist, the findings worsen and the bones and the tooth retention apparatus around the tooth are attacked. In advanced stages and due to progressive bone loss, this can lead to gum recession, tooth loosening and ultimately to the loss of teeth.
      People with inherited predispositions are not only particularly susceptible to these diseases, the entire process also takes place much faster.

      What can be done?

      With regard to periodontitis, it is extremely important to carry out regular checks and to take the right treatment steps.
      We do not only carry out periodic periodontitis screenings every six months, but also are very strict about the immensely important aftercare and prophylaxis, which are key elements of our successful and sustainable therapy.

    • Evidence-based medicine

      The Swedish dentist Per Axelsson conducted a long-term study in the early 1970s about the benefits of professional care (later the name professional teeth cleaning should prevail) of patients by dentists. This study was discontinued after six years due to ethical considerations, since the control group who did not receive tooth cleaning not only had significantly more caries, but also had more teeth destroyed and the gums had far more negative inflammation parameters.

      Your health – your investment

      Nowadays professional tooth cleaning for plague- and germ-removal as well as the use of other preventive treatments such as fissure sealings have become the standard in every dental practice.
      However, it is particularly important to inform the patient about nutritional and hygienic behavior if a long-term stable result is to be achieved for your health. Our specially trained employees are trained for this and use the most modern equipment to remove both soft and hard deposits from your teeth – this way, costly diseases of teeth and gums can be “nipped in the bud”.

      For the kids

      True to the motto “prevention is better than cure”, we think it makes sense not to let holes appear at all, instead of filling them. That is why our prophylaxis begins in the pregnancy tummy. By educating the parents, we guarantee that the course is set for healthy teeth – and for a lifetime – from birth.
      Close checks are the cornerstone of healthy milk teeth, which form the basis for healthy oral flora and permanent teeth that break through from the age of six.

    • Primary-primary prophylaxis explained

      Dental health starts in the womb! By educating mothers about proper eating and cleaning habits, it is guaranteed that the children are well looked after from the start. Close checks in practice, as soon as the teeth are available, complement the domestic care.

      Properly prepared

      Children are impartial and cannot know what is going on at the dentist. Prepare your child for the visit to us in the best possible way: practice opening your mouth, breathing through the nose and arranging a visit to the dentist as a reward “if you behave the next week, you are allowed to come along”. Negations of so-called bad words like fear, pain or hurt should be avoided, since children up to a certain age do not understand negations. Formulate the appointment with the dentist positively and say instead of “You don’t need to be afraid” rather “This will be great, I’m looking forward to it!”.

      All-around care for the little ones

      Sometimes it cannot be avoided that a hole is created or that a tooth has to be extracted. With a playful approach using the Tell-Show-Do method, we take all reservations away from our little patients (not fear, because there is no reason for it – neither linguistically or in terms of treatment).
      If braces are necessary later in life, we will tell the parents them early on.

    • Sleep apnea

      Periodic narrowing of the upper respiratory tract causes loud breathing noises of sleep. In severe cases this can lead to less ventilation of the lungs. In cooperation with HNO doctors it has to be evaluated if there are any follow up dangers (High blood pressure, heart attack or stroke) and what measures need to be taken.

      The jaw has to go forward

      The lower jaw is brought into a forced forward position by a so-called lower jaw protrusion splint. As a result, the tongue and other constricting structures are moved forward and the throat is stretched. This guarantees that the airways remain free and the airway resistance is reduced.

      Rest for your sleeping neighbor

      The advantages of the therapy are not only that you sleep more restful and calmly. Even for the person lying next to you, the nights will be much more pleasant and relaxing. Do not hesitate to contact us!

    • Restitutio ad integrum

      Gapless rows of teeth not only have an aesthetic value. Rather, they are an expression of a cultural ideal and offer purely functional qualities such as comfort when eating and shaping various sounds when speaking. They are therefore a sign of quality of life and body awareness, which can be restored with the right dentures.
      With our state-of-the-art, digital processes that enable metal-free dentures, crowns and bridges, we offer you a precise, gentle and efficient type of treatment. Various forms of biocompatible, allergy-free ceramics have emerged as the material of choice, and are also tooth-colored. Just contact us and together we will work out, which one is right for you!

      The implementation

      The planning of the therapy – but for dentures in particular – is of enormous importance in dentistry. That is why our focus is to thoroughly and with all technically possible diagnostic methods find the right solution for you, so that pronunciation, the function in relation to the crushing of meals as well as shape, form and color sup up to the perfect result for you.

      Your budget – our service

      Dentures, crowns and bridges incur costs. In a separate consultation, all available options and the expenses to be paid are discussed before the start of treatment. We value total cost transparency – without hidden fees, without fine prints!
      Installment payments are part of everyday life in our practice. Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can meet your needs!

    responsive leistungen en

    Our services.

    General Dentistry

    Who doesn’t know these issues?

    We are happy to help you with the everyday problems regarding dentistry such as holes in the teeth, bleeding gums, broken front teeth, sharp edges or hypersensitive teeth.

    Multitude of options

    We offer substance-conserving filling therapies made from high-end materials which replaced the old amalgams. State-of-the-art plastic fillings with ceramic particles (Composites) or milled inlays made in the clinic, offer you a large selection to guarantee a tailor-made treatment for you and your needs.

    The most gentle method

    We carry out micro-invasive caries or decalcification treatments with the ICON infiltration technique. With this infiltration method, early caries spots can be removed without drilling or damaging healthy tooth structure. And best of all: a pain-free treatment is guaranteed!

    Aesthetic dentistry

    Attitude to life

    All over the world, the smile is an expression of positive courtesy and openness. It is our business card and one of the first impressions we reveal about ourselves.
    That’s why we take care that you can give the world a bright white smile with straight teeth.

    Braces for adults

    In addition to type-appropriate dentures such as crowns or veneers, we offer tooth corrections through invisible aligners for adult patients. These so-called aligners line up crooked teeth. This can either close gaps or remove interlacings.

    White teeth

    With various bleaching processes, we can either whiten the entire row of teeth or color-match individual teeth that are discolored by root canal treatments. Professional tooth cleaning is important in order to achieve an even result and to remove discoloration that has been deposited on the teeth due to food components.

    Treatment of patients with anxiety

    The problem

    Dentist fear is a common phenomenon. But the unnecessary expectation of pain also keeps patients from “risking” a visit to the dentist.
    In addition, the completely unfounded shame of showing one’s teeth accompanies many patients.

    It doesn’t have to be that way

    Thanks to our empathetic nature, we take away these reservations from patients and, in very pronounced cases, can use sedatives specially developed for anxiety patients, so that the treatment is as relaxed as possible for you.

    Getting to know us

    The first appointment is always a relaxed meeting. We will talk about your concerns and – if this is okay – look into your mouth to get an overview. If this is too much the first time, it remains a conversation. We are completely based on you and your pace!


    What is it about?

    The preservation of natural teeth is the focus of dentistry. Especially when the nerve has become inflamed, many resort to pliers.
    However, with the most modern treatment methods such as electrical length measurements, mechanical preparation systems and painless root canal treatments, we are able to preserve your own teeth.
    The use of electrical length measurements allows us to carry out root canal treatments even in pregnant women, since we can use this method without X-rays.

    The difficulty

    When filling root canals, the challenge is to completely free the canals from the blood and nerve, some of which are over 20 mm long – even if the canals have severe curvatures. The canals must then be disinfected to the lowest point at the root tip and filled to prevent reinfection. With our modern devices, you have the scientifically best prognosis to keep your tooth long-term!

    From old to new

    The revision, the drilling out of old root fillings, is also offered in our practice. This time-consuming treatment requires individual advice in order to classify and quantify the benefits and costs for you.


    Why implants?

    Should a gap arise due to the necessary pulling of one or more teeth, the question arises how to close this gap. Dentures on implants come closest to the natural tooth.
    The implant, which acts as an artificial tooth root, not only firmly and securely anchors crowns or bridges, but also reduces the breakdown of the jawbone and offers the advantage that the neighboring teeth do not have to be touched.

    Modern technologies for your quality of life!

    The possibilities of modern, low-radiation imaging and diagnostic procedures in connection with optical scanners enable us to create high-precision three-dimensional models of your individual jaw situation. On the basis of these models, we mill a customized drilling template that guarantees that common complications are prevented and which makes implantology even safer for you.


    In particularly difficult cases – for example in the case of severe jaw bone loss or anatomical challenges such as the proximity of the implant to the mandibular nerve or the maxillary sinus – we cooperate with specialists to give you the best possible result for your long-term health.

    As with all other treatment options, we rely on cost transparency and the option of paying in installments. Talk to us!



    Even if the possibilities of dentures and implantology meet ever higher demands, nothing beats your own solid and healthy teeth.
    Periodontitis has become one of the greatest “tooth killers” worldwide due to the aging human race.
    This disease, which affects the tooth retention apparatus, is also known for its interaction with many general diseases such as rheumatism and an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attacks.

    Understanding the origin

    Bacteria naturally occurring in the oral cavity, which settle and multiply in difficult-to-clean areas on the gums and between the teeth, lead to initial inflammatory reactions of the gums (gingivitis).
    If this stage is not recognized by the patient or dentist, the findings worsen and the bones and the tooth retention apparatus around the tooth are attacked. In advanced stages and due to progressive bone loss, this can lead to gum recession, tooth loosening and ultimately to the loss of teeth.
    People with inherited predispositions are not only particularly susceptible to these diseases, the entire process also takes place much faster.

    What can be done?

    With regard to periodontitis, it is extremely important to carry out regular checks and to take the right treatment steps.
    We do not only carry out periodic periodontitis screenings every six months, but also are very strict about the immensely important aftercare and prophylaxis, which are key elements of our successful and sustainable therapy.


    Evidence-based medicine

    The Swedish dentist Per Axelsson conducted a long-term study in the early 1970s about the benefits of professional care (later the name professional teeth cleaning should prevail) of patients by dentists. This study was discontinued after six years due to ethical considerations, since the control group who did not receive tooth cleaning not only had significantly more caries, but also had more teeth destroyed and the gums had far more negative inflammation parameters.

    Your health – your investment

    Nowadays professional tooth cleaning for plague- and germ-removal as well as the use of other preventive treatments such as fissure sealings have become the standard in every dental practice.
    However, it is particularly important to inform the patient about nutritional and hygienic behavior if a long-term stable result is to be achieved for your health. Our specially trained employees are trained for this and use the most modern equipment to remove both soft and hard deposits from your teeth – this way, costly diseases of teeth and gums can be “nipped in the bud”.

    For the kids

    True to the motto “prevention is better than cure”, we think it makes sense not to let holes appear at all, instead of filling them. That is why our prophylaxis begins in the pregnancy tummy. By educating the parents, we guarantee that the course is set for healthy teeth – and for a lifetime – from birth.
    Close checks are the cornerstone of healthy milk teeth, which form the basis for healthy oral flora and permanent teeth that break through from the age of six.

    Pediatric dentistry

    Primary-primary prophylaxis explained

    Dental health starts in the womb! By educating mothers about proper eating and cleaning habits, it is guaranteed that the children are well looked after from the start. Close checks in practice, as soon as the teeth are available, complement the domestic care.

    Properly prepared

    Children are impartial and cannot know what is going on at the dentist. Prepare your child for the visit to us in the best possible way: practice opening your mouth, breathing through the nose and arranging a visit to the dentist as a reward “if you behave the next week, you are allowed to come along”. Negations of so-called bad words like fear, pain or hurt should be avoided, since children up to a certain age do not understand negations. Formulate the appointment with the dentist positively and say instead of “You don’t need to be afraid” rather “This will be great, I’m looking forward to it!”.

    All-around care for the little ones

    Sometimes it cannot be avoided that a hole is created or that a tooth has to be extracted. With a playful approach using the Tell-Show-Do method, we take all reservations away from our little patients (not fear, because there is no reason for it – neither linguistically or in terms of treatment).
    If braces are necessary later in life, we will tell the parents them early on.

    Snoring therapy

    Sleep apnea

    Periodic narrowing of the upper respiratory tract causes loud breathing noises of sleep. In severe cases this can lead to less ventilation of the lungs. In cooperation with HNO doctors it has to be evaluated if there are any follow up dangers (High blood pressure, heart attack or stroke) and what measures need to be taken.

    The jaw has to go forward

    The lower jaw is brought into a forced forward position by a so-called lower jaw protrusion splint. As a result, the tongue and other constricting structures are moved forward and the throat is stretched. This guarantees that the airways remain free and the airway resistance is reduced.

    Rest for your sleeping neighbor

    The advantages of the therapy are not only that you sleep more restful and calmly. Even for the person lying next to you, the nights will be much more pleasant and relaxing. Do not hesitate to contact us!

    Dentures and fixes restaurations

    Restitutio ad integrum

    Gapless rows of teeth not only have an aesthetic value. Rather, they are an expression of a cultural ideal and offer purely functional qualities such as comfort when eating and shaping various sounds when speaking. They are therefore a sign of quality of life and body awareness, which can be restored with the right dentures.
    With our state-of-the-art, digital processes that enable metal-free dentures, crowns and bridges, we offer you a precise, gentle and efficient type of treatment. Various forms of biocompatible, allergy-free ceramics have emerged as the material of choice, and are also tooth-colored. Just contact us and together we will work out, which one is right for you!

    The implementation

    The planning of the therapy – but for dentures in particular – is of enormous importance in dentistry. That is why our focus is to thoroughly and with all technically possible diagnostic methods find the right solution for you, so that pronunciation, the function in relation to the crushing of meals as well as shape, form and color sup up to the perfect result for you.

    Your budget – our service

    Dentures, crowns and bridges incur costs. In a separate consultation, all available options and the expenses to be paid are discussed before the start of treatment. We value total cost transparency – without hidden fees, without fine prints!
    Installment payments are part of everyday life in our practice. Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can meet your needs!

    EXACTLY the right result.

    Predictability and precision

    Digitization is increasingly finding its way into dentistry. High-resolution images through three-dimensional x-rays and digital volume tomography (DVT) are the foundation on which operations can be planned in advance and are now an integral part of dentistry.
    At least as much is happening in dental laboratory technology: high-precision scanners record the teeth and mucous membranes and CAD/CAM milling machines work on the basis of the scan in scarcely noticeable magnitudes.

    The procedure

    After the tooth is anesthetized and prepared, the situation is recorded by a scanner and transferred to a computer. This is where the processing tailored to your oral cavity takes place.
    The finished data set is then sent to a milling unit, which works out the desired supply from a block within minutes. Depending on the ceramic, it is then fired in an oven and, after a short cooling period, permanently “glued” in the mouth.
    With smaller treatments, it takes less than 90 minutes between the patient’s arrival and departure.

    Cerec Dr Benner

    Cerec Dr Benner

    Your advantages

    Scanners replace the annoying and unpleasant alginate and silicone prints, which are a major problem especially for people with gag reflexes.
    With regard to partial and single crowns or fillings such as inlays and onlays, we can finish the work within one morning or afternoon due to the simplified work processes – without a second appointment and without a second anaesthesia!
    In addition, controversial components such as in amalgam or in gold alloys are eliminated.

    my service.

    Feel-good atmosphere

    The treatment is designed to be as comfortable as possible through relaxed cooperation among the employees, but also in dealing with you as a patient. We offer a variety of services apart from pure treatment: Online appointment scheduling, air-conditioned rooms and WiFi are a must in today’s service-oriented practices.

    Own laboratory

    Thanks to the in-house laboratory, small repairs can be carried out on site. The technicians from the adjoining room can also come over for the color determination of crowns or bridges. This direct coordination between the dental technician and the dentist gives us the opportunity to achieve the perfect result for you.

    Installment payment

    We offer this service to you in cooperation with Health AG. You have 12 months to pay off completely without interest. Do not hesitate to contact us!

    Supplementary dental insurance

    Many patients are overwhelmed by the search for the right dental supplement insurance – the unclear variety of possible contracts is simply too large for non-specialists.
    As a practice, we are not allowed to make an explicit contract recommendation, but we are happy to take the time to answer your questions on this complex topic.

    We appreciate your review

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    zum Profil


    Landstr. 23
    50374 Erftstadt
    Tel. 02235 – 6525

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    Opening hours

    Monday 07:30 – 19:30
    Tuesday 07:30 – 19:30
    Wednesday 07:30 – 17:00
    Thursday 07:30 – 19:30
    Friday 08:00 – 13:30

    Directions & Parking


    Coming from the north and Kerpen or via the A1 (exit Hürth Knapsack) / A61 follow the country road to number 23.

    Coming from the south, either take the exit “Erftstadt” from the A1 or, after crossing the Lechenicher Mühlengraben, follow the Klosterstrasse north at the roundabout.

    There are four parking spaces reserved for patients in front of the practice. If these are occupied, you will find other parking spaces within walking distance in the neighborhood.

    Liebe Patientinnen und Patienten,

    wir bitten Sie herzlich darum, nicht ohne vorherigen Termin in unserer Praxis zu erscheinen. Zum einen möchten wir im Sinne des Infektionsschutzes die Anzahl der anwesenden Patientinnen und Patienten sowie deren Aufenthaltsdauer in der Praxis möglichst gering halten. Zum anderen kann es vorkommen, dass wir aufgrund unvorhersehbarer Umstände die Öffnungszeiten gelegentlich anpassen müssen.

    Um unnötige Wege und Wartezeiten zu vermeiden, bitten wir Sie daher, uns im Vorfeld per E-Mail oder telefonisch zu kontaktieren. Zudem bieten wir die Möglichkeit der Online-Terminbuchung auf unserer Webseite an.

    Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis!

    Ihr Team der Praxis Dr. Benner